Keeping track of the things you pay for by check from your checking account is easier by keeping a check register. Most checkbooks have a section for keeping a record of entries or they come with a separate little register booklet, but they don't usually have very much space and you need to fill them in by hand. I tried the Checkbook Advantage and found that it keeps track of all my checking transactions, as well as accounts that I pay by other means. This handy program enables you to keep track of, and control, as many accounts as you want without limitations. When the program is launched, the opening window provides a view of all the functions you need. Simply by clicking on the relevant button, I could add accounts, payees and items to the check register including sales tax. Each button pressed prompts the program to launch the window specific to the task. The program also allows the setting up of recurring accounts, which is very useful for those regular utility bills. The user preferences option is also available that enables you to set the program to your own personal conditions. You can even set up passwords to protect your accounts, and view and print reports quickly. I found this program very easy to use and consider it very useful.
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